24 March 2021 – Cloud observability and app monitoring with Instana – IBM Cloud and AI Meetup Dublin

Upcoming event tmrw 24 March 2021 is the Cloud observability and app monitoring with Instana event, which will delve into the how it integrates with Kubernetes. Instana is an IBM Company and was acquired in late 2020, and is an APM solution designed for the challenges of managing microservice and cloud-native application

If Want to learn about cloud, kubernets or are you already knee deep in Kubernetes, Docker containers or writing your own operators, well the this meetup might well be for you. You join the meetup, and get notified of upcoming events.

If you want to learn more about Observability, APM and Montoring then you can checkout Sai Vennam from IBM Cloud, who can clear up what they means and they should not be used interchangeably.

Some useful reading:
Read the IBM and Instana acquisition blog → https://ibm.biz/ibm-aquires-instana-blog​ Explore free Observability guide → https://ibm.biz/learn-observability-g…
Explore free APM guide → https://ibm.biz/learn-apm-guide
Explore free AIOps guide → https://ibm.biz/learn-aiops-guide
Check out IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps → https://ibm.biz/prod-cloud-pak-for-wa…

Author: Andrew Penrose

IBM STSM, AI Applications Member, IBM Academy of Technology. IBM Master Inventor.
